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The Friday Fix: Get the Most Out of a Small Linen Closet

Whole House Organization Challenge: Week 4

Have you ever looked at a photo of a big beautiful room on Pinterest and immediately thought it was an unrealistic goal for your own home? I certainly have. Demoralizing isn’t it?

Yet such a conclusion may only be partially true.  The other half of the story is that, with a little effort and forethought, you really can achieve that kind of dreaminess in your own small space.

Not sure how to go about it?

Well to help you out, we’re finishing out our bath linen closet project for week 4 of the Who Challenge with a bit of inspiration.

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Earlier in the week, in this post, I showed you how I arranged my bathroom linen closet in just one day.  Not only did I manage to fit all my household necessities inside if it, but I was able to do it in a way that was attractive yet practical.

RELATED POST: Create a Beautiful and Practical Linen Closet in a Day

Of course there is no one-size-fits-all method to arranging a linen closet.  But as I look through photos of similar spaces, I notice immediately that there is are common threads that runs through each of them in terms of organization.

Tips for Organizing a Small Linen Closet

As you go through your linen closets during this week's organization challenge, try to give attention to these areas:

  1. Place similar items in the same area of the closet
  2. Contain (hide) clutter using baskets,bins or trays (get rid of products you don't use or need)
  3. Store  seldom used items on the highest shelf
  4. Use a streamlined color palette
  5. Don't forget to use the floor space AND the 5th "wall" - the inside of the door.
  6. Use labels

Below are some photos to inspire you.  Pay close attention, as there is a quiz toward the end of this post.

See this content in the original post

Pop quiz! Can you tell what's missing in the photo below?

See this content in the original post

The linen closet above has amazing architectural details!  The inside of the cabinet however, certainly doesn't match the outside.  What does that tell you?   Solid organization can make a simple space appear more expensive.  And poor organization can flatten even the highest end finishes. 

So as you're thinking about how to reorganize your linen closet this weekend, remember brainstorm ways to put every inch to good use.  

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