An Amazing Siesta Under a Cloud with Nectar

A Review of Nectar Memory Foam Pillows

This post is sponsored by Nectar, but opinions are entirely my own.

Have you ever fallen asleep while gazing into the sky?  I'm not really the outdoorsy type, but there is something to be said about laying stretched out on a hammock in the open air while dozing in and out of sleep.  It's among the most beautiful experiences one can have.  

My parents often took advantage of balmy nights to drive us kids to the lakefront - still in our PJ's - so that we could witness the sun rise from the cloak of darkness.   Watching the clouds make their way across the atmosphere as the sun and moon trade places in the sky is a spectacular phenomenon for me even today.

I wondered how I could recreate this feeling of  nostalgia in my bedroom without it looking cheesy or contrived.   I believe I've come up with the perfect solution.

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As many of you already know, I've been on a yearlong quest to get better sleep in 2018.   Although I'm usually not one to make new year's resolutions, I did make this one.  And so far I'm right on target.  

After breaking in a new king sized mattress, which I LOVE by the way, I decided it was time to explore other options for some equally pleasing pillows.   But I didn't just want any pillow.  I wanted something to cradle my head like a soft, perfectly shaped hand.  I also wanted to avoid sacks of escaping feathers. 

I wanted to an experience.  So when Nectar reached out to me I jumped at the chance to sample their product and execute a plan to further reach my goal.  

If you've never slept on a self cooling, pillow  with 3 layers of memory foam to contour and support your neck, you're probably slightly sleep deprived.  From the moment I lay my head on a Nectar pillow, I have the sensation of floating.  Sleep is immediate and sound.  No other pillow (not even the expensive one's I've purchased) have ever had this effect on me. 

After trying out these babies for the past month or so, I finally found the words to describe the feeling of sleeping on a Nectar pillow.  It's like sleeping on a cloud. | Let me introduce you to an amazing pillow by Nectar while I create the perfect "cloud" to sleep under in my bedroom. | DIY | Small Bedroom | Foam Pillow Review | Interior Styling

That was just the inspiration I needed!  I immediately set out to create a "cloud" in my bedroom.  I know, it sounds crazy, but stay with me. 

While sourcing some ideas for a different project I came across a light fixture of feathers and dangling crystals.  Immediately I thought "hey that looks a lot like a cloud".   A dear friend, noticing my interest, purchased it for me.  Only problem was, when I got it home, it wasn't nearly a billowy as I had hoped it would be.  It was just too small for the room. | Let me introduce you to an amazing pillow by Nectar while I create the perfect "cloud" to sleep under in my bedroom. | DIY | Small Bedroom | Foam Pillow Review | Interior Styling

The New Plan

Disappointed with the size of this fixture, I quickly sprung into action with a plan B.  There's a hidden gem of a place that I frequent when I need to find oversized items.  It was the perfect place to find the larger-than-normal shade I would need to fix this problem.  I found and gladly plopped down my $2 for the 24" shade.  It wasn't the 28" I wanted, but it was close enough.  Happy with my purchase I headed home.


To select the correct size ceiling light fixture for your room, simply add the length and width of the space (in feet).  The sum of these two numbers equals the recommended size of the light fixture you'll need (in inches).  So if your room measures 11'W x 17'L, the recommended light fixture size for your space is 28". | Let me introduce you to an amazing pillow by Nectar while I create the perfect "cloud" to sleep under in my bedroom. | DIY | Small Bedroom | Foam Pillow Review | Interior Styling

My plan was simple, wrap the new shade with more feathers and mount it to the existing fixture.  It would take about 4 boas to complete this project.  With hot glue gun in hand, and after carefully measuring the placement of the boas, I got to work.  This project took all of 10 minutes to complete. | Let me introduce you to an amazing pillow by Nectar while I create the perfect "cloud" to sleep under in my bedroom. | DIY | Small Bedroom | Foam Pillow Review | Interior Styling

Before showing you the results, let me tell you a bit more about these awesome pillows.  When I first opened the packaging I expected them to inflate right on the spot.  That didn't happen, and I admit I was a bit worried.  After sleeping on them however, I noticed that the pillow seemed to fluff more and more.  This is the one pillow on my bed that retains it's shape all on it's own. 

Did you know?

Nectar uses a pillow-in-pillow design with quilted memory foam outer shell, plus Tencel cooling fabric and active ventilation so you will always be sleeping on the cool side.  

The pillows also come overfilled so you're always in control of your comfort. If the pillow is firm, remove stuffing until it is just right. The inner pillow is supportive, but the outer pillow adds a soft touch of fluff - and you decide how much.  Save the extra stuffing in case you want it to be firmer in the future.

ith pillows in place, it was time to hang the crowning jewel of my vision.  

Doesn't it really look just like a cloud? | Let me introduce you to an amazing pillow by Nectar while I create the perfect "cloud" to sleep under in my bedroom. | DIY | Small Bedroom | Foam Pillow Review | Interior Styling | Let me introduce you to an amazing pillow by Nectar while I create the perfect "cloud" to sleep under in my bedroom. | DIY | Small Bedroom | Foam Pillow Review | Interior Styling | Let me introduce you to an amazing pillow by Nectar while I create the perfect "cloud" to sleep under in my bedroom. | DIY | Small Bedroom | Foam Pillow Review | Interior Styling | Let me introduce you to an amazing pillow by Nectar while I create the perfect "cloud" to sleep under in my bedroom. | DIY | Small Bedroom | Foam Pillow Review | Interior Styling

You didn't really think I would reveal the entire room today did you?  Awww..I'm sorry to disappoint you!  The final reveal takes place on April 4th.  Stay tuned!  In the meantime, remember to check out Nectar by clicking here.  

I'd love to get your thoughts:

  • Are you familiar with the Nectar brand?
  • Have you ever slept on a high-end memory foam pillow?
  • What do you think about this simple DIY? | Small Space Interiors & Lifestyle blog

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Something for Your Pinterest Board | How I enhanced an existing light fixture to resemble a "cloud". | DIY | Sponsored by Nectar