Week 8: Give Your Closet an Amazing Organization Makeover

We're still in Week 8 of the Whole House Organization (WHO) Challenge, where my aim is to organize my entire home in 14 weeks or less.  

This weekend we're focusing on what is probably tiniest, darkest "room" in the home.  It's where we toss things we don't know what to with; or where we hide random things in a hurry company comes.  For many, organizing their closet is the most dreaded of all household tasks.  Let me show you step by step how to conquer this fear. 

Affiliate links may be included in this post. This means that should you purchase a linked product, I may receive a small commission, but at no additional cost to you. To read my full disclosure click here. For your convenience, I’ve also created a shopping list of closet essentials.

How to Organize a Small Closet, Step by Step

Due to the sheer enormity of this project, I recommend setting aside a weekend to complete it.  You'll want to track your progress, so I encourage you to take a "before" photo of your closet.  Below are "before" photos of my closet which measures 67.5 inches wide by 31.5 inches deep. 

As you can see, I let things get a bit out of hand.  Systems that used to work for me when I first arranged this area no longer suited my needs.  It was all downhill from there.  So a change was in order.   Here are the steps I followed. 

DAY 1: Empty and Purge 

This, by far, will be the most difficult part of the project.  To get started, clear a large area of a room for three categories:

  • Items to be donated/tossed

  • Items to be kept

  • Items to be sold (Bear in mind that the items in this category will need to be stored someplace else in the meantime.)

Now start clearing the closet by placing individual garments in one of the three categories named above.  Purge ruthlessly and stay focused

TIP: Severely damaged, ill-fitting, and outdated garments, and clothes that you haven't worn in 12 months or more should be tossed, donated or sold. The only exception is an item that has deep sentimental value.

Visualize the Finished Area

www.JadoreLeDecor.com | Tips for organizing what is probably tiniest, darkest "room" in the home- the closet | Small Closet Organization | Whole House Organization

Now that the closet is empty, step back take a long hard look at it.  Try to visualize a finished look.  Measure all of your spaces and record the measurements here on this handy worksheet

Take another photo of the now empty space.  Here's a photo of my emptied closet:

Now ask yourself

  • How do you want the finished project to look?

  • What else, besides clothing, do you need to store in your closet?

  • Will your closet serve as a dressing room also?

  • Do you share this "room" with someone else? If yes, what are their needs?

  • What storage systems will help you to keep things in order easily on a daily basis?

  • Record your ideas for storage solutions on the same handy worksheet that you downloaded above.

I purchased the custom closet system above five years ago from EasyClosets for a only $207 bucks!  Now thru April 25, 2017 EasyClosets is offering a special to readers of J'adore le Décor,  of 5% OFF your total purchase PLUS free shipping when you use the code CLOSETS165.  If re-vamping your closet is something you've been wanting to do, now just might be the time.  

DAY 2: Sort Items Into Categories 

Below is a list of common closet categories.  Check this list to make sure you have a designated space for each group of items that you own.

  • Belts

  • Blazers

  • Blouse

  • Boots

  • Camisoles

  • Dress shirts

  • Hand bags

  • Pants

  • Scarves

  • Shoes

  • Skirts

  • Socks & Hosiery

  • Swimwear

  • Ties

  • Reload the Space

As you return the clothes to the closet, take note of the leftover space around them and determine where the other items might fit.  Don't be surprised if you find that some areas need to be re-measured.

DAY 3:  Determine Storage Solutions for Remaining Items

We've arrived at the best part of this closet organization challenge.  On DAY 3 we get to go shopping!  Here is where everything starts to come together.  

So with your worksheet in hand, start looking for practical storage solutions.  I recommend, and will include links to the following stores in next week's newsletter:  Amazon, Target, Walmart, Cost Plus World Market, Michael's.  Supplies are usually plentiful at these places. 

And now I'll show you how I put these steps into action....da, dadda, daaa!

www.JadoreLeDecor.com | Tips for organizing what is probably tiniest, darkest "room" in the home- the closet | Small Closet Organization | Whole House Organization

AFTER: Left side. The pink hanger is where I place my outfit for the next day. Underneath is another hook for my scarves.

www.JadoreLeDecor.com | Tips for organizing what is probably tiniest, darkest "room" in the home- the closet | Small Closet Organization | Whole House Organization

AFTER: Front view. The narrow wardrobe is now moved to the center front.

www.JadoreLeDecor.com | Tips for organizing what is probably tiniest, darkest "room" in the home- the closet | Small Closet Organization | Whole House Organization

AFTER: What a lovely place to get ready in the morning! 

www.JadoreLeDecor.com | Tips for organizing what is probably tiniest, darkest "room" in the home- the closet | Small Closet Organization | Whole House Organization

AFTER: Right side. To avoid overcrowding, Summer shoes are placed in the bin just above shoe case.

www.JadoreLeDecor.com | Tips for organizing what is probably tiniest, darkest "room" in the home- the closet | Small Closet Organization | Whole House Organization

AFTER: Shoe cabinet. Sometimes you need to know what the front and back of a shoe looks like before pairing it with an outfit.

www.JadoreLeDecor.com | Tips for organizing what is probably tiniest, darkest "room" in the home- the closet | Small Closet Organization | Whole House Organization

AFTER: A place for sweaters, work out clothes and gym bag.

www.JadoreLeDecor.com | Tips for organizing what is probably tiniest, darkest "room" in the home- the closet | Small Closet Organization | Whole House Organization

This was no small challenge!  And I am SO excited to be able to share this with you! 
In case you're wondering, the white bins up top store my hand bags, travel cases, swimwear, and summer shoes.  During summer, the Summer Shoe bin is turned around to reveal a label that reads "Winter Shoes".  The summer and winter shoes are swapped out.  Neat huh?!  The last two untitled bins (seen in the 3rd photo) are empty.

There is one other item that could not be seen in the photos due to its location.  It's a rack where I keep my belts.       

www.JadoreLeDecor.com | Tips for organizing what is probably tiniest, darkest "room" in the home- the closet | Small Closet Organization | Whole House Organization

A very special thanks to the ladies at Fox's Designer Off-Price Boutique Chicago, for assisting me with a few styling elements for my closet! 

Remember to sign up for my newsletter to get the shopping list for this project.  Now on to the next room!  Please let me know in the comments below if you liked this challenge.  I can't wait to get your feedback!

www.JadoreLeDecor.com | Small Space Interiors and Lifestyle blog | Small Space Chig

Something For Your Pinterest Board

www.JadoreLeDecor.com | Tips for organizing what is probably tiniest, darkest "room" in the home- the closet | Small Closet Organization | Whole House Organization