How to Take a Vacation From Your Blog

Blogging life has its perks.  You can choose your own work hours, topics, style of writing and blog aesthetics, and in some cases, how much money you will make.  Don't feel like blogging today?  Fine.  Don't.   Don't know how to do something?  There is a plethora of information on how to do just about anything, so you're never alone. 

The Reality of Blogger Burnout

But what if you just want to take a much needed break?  Then what?  Then take a break for crying out loud!  That's it.  That's the lesson.  So having dropped all that heavy wisdom upon you...guess who's on a blog vacation this week?  This girl.

Just in case you missed that, I'm talking about me.   I don't know yet how all of this is going to affect me in terms of blog stats.  I'll cross that bridge when I get there, and will keep you posted. 

So, why am I doing this?  If you've ever read an article on blogger burnout, know this:  It's true.  Like any other hobby or profession, blogging - as enjoyable as it may be - can become very exhausting.  It's one of those things that forces your mind to think of many moving parts at once.  Soundness of mind demands that one step away from time to time.  That's what I'm doing.    

NOTE:  I will still be active on my social media platforms

A Little Something for My Readers While I'm Away

Instead of just leaving you high and dry, I thought I'd link a few older posts that you may have missed to keep you entertained until I get back.  Enjoy!

If you've already enjoyed these, please comment below and tell me:

  • What is your greatest small space dilemma? 
  • What topic(s) would you like to see covered here on J'adore le Décor?
  • What is the hardest room in your home to organize and decorate? 

I can't wait to read all of your comments and suggestions when I return! | Small Space Interiors & Lifestyle blog

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Merci Beaucoup!

Something for Your Pinterest Board | I'm taking a blog vacation this week! Check out how I do it. | Avoiding Blog Burnout | Blog Vacation