What You Need to Know About Voila's Hybrid Mattress

Let me start by saying that this post is long overdue.  Back in January of this year, I made a resolve to get better sleep in 2018.  During that same post, I also promised to give you a six-month review of my new Voila mattress.  

With a major site migration, summer commitments, and just life happening in general, I now find myself in the precarious position of being way behind schedule on my posts.  Of course, depending on the angle of your lens, that may be a good problem to have.  At least I don't have to think about content right now.  Still, it's important for me to be a woman of my word, so let's do this, shall we?   

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Reasons to Love Voila Mattress

In my first review, I shared a lot of technical features about the Voila mattress.  It was appropriate to do so since I had no prior experience with this or any other hybrid mattress.  As I meditated on what I would write for this second review, however, I decided to put all of that technical mattress jargon on the back burner for some simple talk.  Of course, if you're interested in all the nitty-gritty details, you can read about it here, and then return to this post later. For the rest of you here's the low down on why I love this mattress so much.  

1.  Immediate Shut-eye

This one caught me by surprise!  I am normally one who needs to toss and turn a bit before falling asleep, so just getting ready for bed was a ritual for me.  A heaping spoonful of sugar in a cup of piping hot milk (something The Husband calls "making the bottle");  a stack of magazines, lots of pillows for support, and off to bed I'd go.  Thirty to 45 minutes later I would finally fall asleep.

The first night we slept on the mattress I followed the above routine like clockwork.  However, the moment my body settled into the bed, I was out like a light.  I am not exaggerating when I say that sleep on the Voila mattress is immediate.  Seriously y'all, I woke up to a glass of cold milk and magazines strewn all over the floor!  At first I thought it was just the excitement of having something new.  But we're 9 months in and it keeps happening.  THIS is the mattress of my dreams.     

www.JadoreleDecor.com | An honest 9-month review of the hybrid mattress Voila

2.  No Body Bag Syndrome (BBS)

With our 8-year-old mattress, getting out of bed felt a lot like removing oneself from an imaginary crime scene.  Imprints from The Husband's body and mine were clearly branded into the mattress itself.  Big body imprint- his side, smaller imprint- mine.  The only thing missing was the chalk line.  Even when the bed was made, I could still see those two dips.  Drove me insane.  That ugly and uncomfortable body bag sagging effect was definitely not something I wanted to repeat.  

With Voila I no longer need to rock myself back and forth for momentum in order to catapult my body out of a mattress sinkhole.  I simply get up.  Isn't that the way it should be?  Still, I've been checking closely for signs of BBS.  So far, so good. 

www.JadoreleDecor.com | An honest 9-month review of the hybrid mattress Voila

3.  No More Back Pain or Broken Sleep

The absence of body bag syndrome naturally eliminates the cause of all the back pain we were experiencing.  Additionally, because of the low movement transfer, my sleep is not disturbed when my husband gets up or turns in his sleep because I can't even feel it.  I'll admit, it freaks me out sometimes to have someone laying so close and not be able to feel them shifting their weight, but I'm sure I'll get used to it.      

www.JadoreleDecor.com | An honest 9-month review of the hybrid mattress Voila

4.  Maintenance

Another added feature is that this mattress comes with its own protective cover.  Simply unzip and toss it in the wash and it's as good as new.  I love that!  A word of caution though, this mattress is H-E-A-V-Y.  I had no problem lifting our other mattress sets alone.  Getting the protective cover off and on this king-sized hybrid mattress requires the work of two people.   Again, that's something I can live with.

Interestingly, I overheard the doorman in my office building speaking with his co-worker about a mattress with a funny name that arrived at his home packaged in a box.  He said his wife bought it hoping it would ease his back pain.  That doorman nearly jumped out of his uniform he was so excited when speaking about it!  When asked about the name of the mattress he said, "I have no idea.  But when I laid down on it, that was all she wrote.  I woke up the next morning and Voila!  No more back pain."  I chuckled to myself and silently continued on my way.  

No, I don't know if he was speaking about the same mattress brand being highlighted in this post.  But it's nice to know that I'm not the only one making good on my resolve to get better sleep in 2018.

  • Are you getting the best sleep from your current mattress?

  • Would you ever consider purchasing a hybrid mattress?

  • Do you own a hybrid mattress?

  • Would you like to know more about Voila?  If so, click the words below.

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www.JadoreleDecor.com | An honest 9-month review of the hybrid mattress Voila