A Challenge That Will Make Your Home More Beautiful

“No matter what I do, my house still looks lifeless. Oh my home could never look like that on my budget. If my place wasn’t so small it would look like a magazine too!”. Have you ever made any one of those statements about your own home? I certainly have. Glossy magazine photos of swoon worthy rooms have a quick way of triggering interior design envy. It can even make you feel like your home isn’t good enough.

But there is a subtle commonality that is present in all of the rooms that mesmerize us: Organization. Clutter is distracting. Don’t believe me? Take a look at all those beautiful pins in your Pinterest feed and you’ll see it straightaway. Even rooms that are styled to look “messy” are still very well organized. Indeed, one key to a more beautiful home is to create order within it. Welcome to my 3rd annual Whole House Organization challenge!

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What is the Whole House Organization Challenge?

www.jadoreledecor.com | Welcome to my 3rd annual Whole House Organization challenge! One key to a more beautiful home is to create order within it. | Organization | Small space solutions

The Whole House Organization Challenge is a self-imposed test design to help you get the majority of your home organized from top to bottom in 14 weeks or less. Did you notice that I said this challenge will get the majority of your home organized? Why? I’m simply being realistic.

1) This challenge is geared mainly toward small home and apartment dwellers. Naturally, if you have a larger home, you may need to forgo some rooms in order to keep up with the challenge.

2). Some of us have some pretty chaotic rooms that may require more time than allotted.

www.jadoreledecor.com | Welcome to my 3rd annual Whole House Organization challenge! One key to a more beautiful home is to create order within it. | Organization | Small space solutions

3) Some rooms covered in this challenge may not even exist in your home. For example: I have both a living room and a family room.

How to Succeed in this Challenge

Should you decide to take this organizational journey with me there are a few things you will need in order to succeed:

  1.  Create a clear plan. Please see the schedule I’ve outlined below.

  2. Determination and focus. Setbacks are a normal part of the process. Just keep going.

  3. Be ruthless about purging. Unless an item has deep personal value, Let. It. Go.

  4. Have a good support group. Call a friend or family member to help you. Remember also to follow and tag me on Instagram with questions that may come up.

Neglecting any of these four things could make for a less than enjoyable experience.

The Organizational Process for Each Space

In all, about 12 or 13 different spaces will be tackled during this challenge. You should plan in advance to spend at least one week on one space. Or one week for each designated space. Why only one week per space? It’s been proven that allotting more time than that causes people to abandon ship. So “hit it and quit it will be the running theme here for the next 14 weeks. 

The process for organizing each space will always be the same.

  1. Choose the area to be organized 

  2. Completely empty the space and give it a good scrub down.

  3. Purge the unnecessary items. (Is it broken, irreparable, too small, shabby?) Be ruthless.

  4. Devise a system for organizing your items. Click here to download my handy organization worksheet.

  5. Return your items to their proper place

www.jadoreledecor.com | Welcome to my 3rd annual Whole House Organization challenge! One key to a more beautiful home is to create order within it. | Organization | Small space solutions

I’ll be sure to repeat this process on each post in case you forget. But for now, here is the schedule we’ll be working with.  

Diving right into an organization challenge right after a long holiday season can be tough. So I’ve set the official start date for January 9, 2019. This will give you some time to get mentally ready. Please tell me in the comments below: Are on board with me for this challenge?

For more storage and organization solutions check out my Amazon Store!


Something For Your Pinterest Board

www.jadoreledecor.com | Welcome to my 3rd annual Whole House Organization challenge! One key to a more beautiful home is to create order within it. | Organization | Small space solutions